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GREEN HELL Preview on Steam

GREEN HELL Preview on Steam

Have you ever wondered how long you can endure the harsh conditions of the rain forest? Perhaps survivalist games tickle your fancy and fighting for survival entices you. If this sounds appealing Green Hell by Creepy Jar might be your new favorite PC game. Green Hell tests a player’s physical and psychological stability as they attempt to survive the most brutal conditions. It is the ultimate survivalist game and this reviewer dares you to test your endurance.

Instantly, I was captivated by how realistic the graphics, sound effects, and needs were in Green Hell. It can be assured that each player at one point will find themselves startled by how realistic Creepy Jar has made this game. Numerous times while playing I found myself clashing game and reality due to the uncanny sound effects.

GREEN HELL Preview on Steam

Controls are easy and convenient for the player. Using mouse and keyboard, players navigate through the dense terrain, collect items, craft materials, and construct structures. I appreciated how self-explanatory everything was for the player. Within only moments I felt comfortable and ready to see what Green Hell had to offer. The player immediately starts with a “tutorial” which is mandatory for players. This tutorial explains how to perform tasks and essentially introduces the concept of the game. Players may skip through this tutorial session, but I highly recommend they do not. Despite the easy controls, the tutorial informs the player of many necessary components in the game. Survival would be extremely difficult without understanding the game first so if players utilize the tutorial they will be able to play Green Hell successfully.

GREEN HELL Preview on Steam

I use the word “successfully” very lightly when I refer to Green Hell. The relentless intensity of this game forces players to constantly question their actions. Inevitably players will meet their death due to the unrelenting elements of the rain forest, but this only causes a desire to start anew. This was one of the most demanding survival games I have played but it was also relaxing. The needs of your character are challenging to meet but it is an excellent portrayal of real life circumstances.

The massive open-world is constructed beautifully. The weather and species in Green Hell perfectly fit the rain forest habitat. It is evident the time and effort spent on small details such as falling rain or bird species has paid off. I also noted the level of detail in the characters. The tribal attire and linguistic traits create an ominous presence as players explore the uncharted land. The echoing sounds of their voices create a cold chill as players dawn upon a frightening revelation that their death may be near. This meets an expectation in any survival game that players should feel immersed in fear. Creepy Jar has done an excellent job meeting this expectation in Green Hell.

Check Out the Green Hell Steam Early Access Trailer:

Green Hell is available for PC via Steam Early Access.

Related: GREEN HELL Psychological Survival Simulator Announces Steam Early Access Launch Date

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