Gaming Cypher

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GTA Online: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Official Trailer Released

GTA Online: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Official Trailer Released

Today Rockstar Games is happy to present the official trailer for the next big free update for GTA Online, Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, coming next week Tuesday June 7.

Build an empire as a CEO. Traffic illicit cargo and contraband. Disrupt rival supply chains. Acquire extravagant new vehicles. Open prestigious new offices. Hire an executive assistant. And run the town, one hostile takeover at a time.

Here is the official GTA Online Further Adventures in Finance and Felony trailer: (Rated M for MATURE)

Further Adventures in Finance and Felony combines all new gameplay with a host of special new vehicles, exciting new features and much more.

Related: GTA Online Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Coming June 7

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