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Hack-and-Slash FURI Coming to PS4 and PC in 2016

Hack-and-Slash FURI Coming to PS4 and PC in 2016

From the Indie Team The Game Bakers and Afro Samurai’s Takashi Okazaki Comes This Frenzied All-Boss Fighter

MONTPELLIER, FRANCE – October 14, 2015 – Indie studio The Game Bakers has pulled back the curtain on Furi, its upcoming combat game slated for release on PlayStation 4 and PC in 2016.

Furi feeds on the tension of one-on-one fights against deadly adversaries. It’s an intense, ultra-responsive hack-and-slash with a unique mix of fast-paced sword fighting and dual-stick shooting. Each of the formidable guardians—designed by Afro Samurai creator Takashi Okazaki—has a unique and surprising combat style that requires focus and skill to defeat. Defeat one boss after another to escape this surreal prison and discover what’s waiting behind the last gate. The high-energy action gets a boost from an explosive soundtrack composed by up-and-coming electro musicians including Carpenter Brut, who created the trailer’s theme.

Hack-and-Slash FURI Coming to PS4 and PC in 2016

“I have long dreamed of making a game of pure boss fights, with a focus on dueling and besting enemies who rival your own skill and strength,” says Creative Director Emeric Thoa. Furi is designed with Japanese action games in mind — games that reward skills and reflexes, with a character that reacts immediately, like Devil May Cry, any game from Platinum, or even the Super Punch Out series.”

Here are several new screenshots:

And here is the announcement trailer:

Furi is slated for release on PlayStation 4 and PC in 2016.

Source: Press Release

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