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Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

Card games, never thought would be so interesting to play on Video games. I never played the previous Hand of Fate game. Hand of Fate 2 is developed by Defiant Development. I did played Gwent in Witcher 3 and Hearthstone. I thought they were just card games, but Hand of Fate 2 has changed my way of thinking about board-card games like Dungeon and Dragons. Hand of Fate 2 has been designed really well in term of gameplay and design.

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

The game has been designed as a fully playable card/dice game plus a third person sword/axe fighting. The game starts with explaining the basics, and we have certain cards in the order which you have to open and reveal the customized story. In case of the card show up the encounter with the bandits or any kind of enemies, it turns out to be a third person fighting sequence, which is dodge and fight mechanism.

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

The player can acquire the equipment including armor, weapons and shields. The equipment are acquired during the card play, and are attached to the specific cards. And there are card selection for getting the equipment which has Success, High Success, Failure and High Failure cards on there mostly. Based on the rarity less Success and more Failure cards.

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

The game has dice rolls for certain kind of situation for finding loots and free pass from battles, you have 2 chances to roll three dices together. And you have a target to hit, the second chance you can only reroll one of the three dice. That means choosing the lowest one to get to or go above target number. Difficulty in the game can turn really high based on the card selection from Success to Failure or a really bad dice roll.

During the card play a person can change the equipment based on the requirements, and sometimes if you need specific requirements you can change between Shield and Sword or Axe. The game has a map where you keep choosing and sometimes if you play the card game correctly you can even recruit support companion for helping out in the fight.

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

Overall the game has really complex structure but is really interesting to see how the game keeps moving forward. All the cards used in the past mission, can be used again in the next mission by selecting few of the cards whichever the player thinks best in helping them survive.

The graphics are really great for the general card game, I did feel some FPS drop and freeze when switching from card to battle scene and vice versa, but other than that, haven’t had really any issues. The battle itself has really simple controls of dodging, attacking, kicking and using the Special skills on weapons, which can be used only after successfully attacking enemies certain number of times without getting hit by any enemy in between. Also if you have a companion, they will help you as well, they will give you support skills like armor.

Hand of Fate 2 Review for PlayStation 4

Overall the game it seems is still improvising and I would definitely like to see some other game modes as well, but it is a really good card game to get stick in for hours. I have a really high hope for the game. I would like to certainly give this game a solid 8.5 star based on the current gameplay available.

Watch the Hand of Fate 2 Trailer:

Hand of Fate is available via PlayStation 4 and Steam for $29.99 USD / €24.99 / $29.99 AUD and supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese language options.

About The Author

PlayStation 4 Review
  • 8.5/10
    Overall Score - 8.5/10
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