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Harmonix Teams Up with GaymerX

Harmonix Teams Up with GaymerX

Rock Band 4 developer is a proud sponsor of the nation’s largest queer gaming convention
San Jose, Calif. – December 11, 2015  Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce its partnership with GaymerX, the nation’s largest annual queer gaming convention. Harmonix is a sponsor of GaymerX, and Rock Band 4 will be playable on the show floor. The studio invites attendees to stop by its booth on the show floor to meet Rock Band developers, collect fabulous exclusive swag, learn about Harmonix job opportunities, and play Rock Band 4.“Harmonix makes games for a diverse community of players. We’re proud to partner with GaymerX. Their credo, ‘everybody games!’ falls right in line with our studio’s values and mission” said Steve Janiak, CEO of Harmonix. Matt Conn, the founder and CEO of GaymerX, added: “Harmonix has some of the best titles out there for bringing people together. We’re proud and excited to have them join us because it sends a message that these games really are for everyone and that we are all welcome to join in on the fun.”

Rock Band 4 is available for PS4 and Xbox One.
Harmonix Teams Up with GaymerX

About GaymerX

GaymerX is the first ever LGBTQ-focused gaming convention. For its third year, the event will take place under the name “GX3: Everyone Games”, celebrating a space where all can join in discussion, play, and community without fear of harassment or discomfort for being who and what they are. GX3 will take place in San Jose, California at the San Jose Marriott and Convention Center on December 11th-13th 2015. For more information please visit

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