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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Closed Beta Patch Notes

A short while ago, Blizzard gave its free-to-play Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft a survey of which new features its players are most interested in.

Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft patch

Now, the developer has released Hearthstone’s Closed Beta Patch Notes

You can view the Hearthstone patch notes in full below taken directly from the official website:


  • Certain Expert cards have been changed and the amount of dust that you get from disenchanting these cards have been temporarily increased such that it is equal to the amount of dust that it would have originally cost to craft those cards. Affected cards are:
    • Blizzard
    • Cone of Cold


  • We understand that the Freeze mechanic can be frustrating to play against, and we wanted to make changes that would allow the Mage’s opponent some additional time to be aggressive with their minions and well as slow the overall pacing of the control-based Mage play style.
  • Blizzard’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5).
  • Cone of Cold’s mana cost is now 4 (up from 3).
  • Frost Nova’s mana cost is now 3 (up from 2).

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where certain account states could prevent new Arena runs from being started. Previously impacted accounts should now be able to properly start new Arena runs.

Have you played Hearthstone yet? What do you think about the game?

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