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Horror Visual Novel Game THE LETTER Hits Kickstarter Funding Goal

Horror Visual Novel Game THE LETTER Hits Funding Goal

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Developer Yangyang Mobile has announced that its horror, visual novel game The Letter, has hit its initial funding goal of its Kickstarter campaign with 31 more hours to go.

The developer is now moving towards the voice acting stretch goal, a feature requested by most of their reviewers and backers.

The Letter is an ambitious, indie horror visual novel game that promises six (6) unique playable characters, engaging quick-time events and animated sprites & backgrounds. It is heavily inspired by the team’s love of Asian horror, especially Japanese films like Ju-On: The Grudge and The Ring, and Korean web comic Bongcheong-Dong Ghost, as well as role-playing games like Mad Father and Corpse Party.

Here is The Letter Kickstarter video:

You can still support The Letter on  Kickstarter.

Related: THE LETTER Visual Novel Game for PC Now on Kickstarter

Source: Press Release

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