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Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 Now Live

The Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 is now live.

Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 Now Live


PC & Android. Android & PC. So happy togetherrrrrrr! Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Ba ba ba ba bahhhhh! With this bundle, you get games that work on both your PC and your Android device. Pay what you want for Crimsonland, Neverending Nightmares, Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians, andFOTONICA. Pay more than the average price, and you’ll also receive TinyKeep, Monster Loves You!, and Crowntakers.

Pay what you want. Together, these games would ordinarily fetch up to $113. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you choose the price!

Cross-platform and DRM-free. All of these games are available DRM-free for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. Pay $1 or more to also get access to their Steam keys. Please check out the full system requirements here prior to purchasing.

Support charity. Choose where the money goes — between the developers and two charitable causes (EFF and American Red Cross) via the PayPal Giving Fund. For details on how this works, click here. If you like this bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too.

Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 Now Live

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Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 Now Live

Humble PC & Android Bundle 13 runs for two weeks before attending a Friday the 13th movie marathon on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 11 a.m. Pacific time.

Related: Humble Weekly Bundle The Return of Space Boy Now Live

Source: Official Website

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