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HUNT: Showdown Update 4.0 Adds Quickplay Game Mode

FRANKFURT, Germany – Early access development means constant updates, and today Crytek have released another big one for their early access online multiplayer bounty hunting game, Hunt: Showdown. In conjunction with the new release, Hunt: Showdown will be on sale for 25% off on Steam from today to December 19 at 10 am PT/ 1pm ET/ 7pm CEST.

One of the stars of Update 4.0 is the new Quickplay game mode, designed to offer players the option to play a game of Hunt with a shorter match length—and different gameplay. In a Quickplay match, ten solo players race against the clock to find and activate wellsprings of energy—win and keep both Hunter and loot, or perish. Watch the new Quickplay video right here.

Players will also find a slew of world improvements—from bug fixes to readability tweaks for both maps—and daily and weekly challenges added by popular community request. On the weapon front, gunplay changes for Update 4.0 center around unifying the feel of weapons so that they are more consistent and fluid overall, and the game’s audio has also seen a lot of developer attention, with improvements and bug fixes across the board.

Related: New HUNT: Showdown Map to be Revealed at TwitchCon 2018 by Crytek

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