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HUSTLE CASTLE Kingdom Simulator Now Available Worldwide on Mobile

HUSTLE CASTLE Kingdom Simulator Now Available Worldwide on Mobile

The creators of mobile hits Jungle Heat and Iron Desert, let players become the lord and master of their own medieval castle!

Global publisher and hit developer Studio Nord are excited to announce the global launch of the kingdom simulator Hustle Castle in the App Store and Google Play. This unique strategy game turns players into medieval warlords with control over their own castles, dozens of servants and the war plans against rivaling monarchs.

Any king’s greatest possession is his castle. In Hustle Castle, players can challenge the laws of physics by constructing a massive tower bursting with feudal upgrades: from blazing forges to volatile alchemy labs. Put your loyal subjects to work, train them to be masters of their crafts, create weapons and armor — and one day they will fill your coffers with gold! On the way, they’ll learn to hammer out legendary weapons, discover the secrets of ancient magic and produce enough offspring to populate your armies! It’s your castle and your people: become the wise ruler of your own unique fortress!

Here is the Hustle Castle Trailer:

You can download Hustle Castle in the App Store and Google Play.

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