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Indie Royale The Mixer 7 Bundle is Now Live

The Indie Royale The Mixer 7 Bundle is now live with 9 games.

Indie Royale

The 9 games are:

  1. BeatBlasters III
  2. Farm For Your Life
  3. Soul Gambler
  4. Legends of Aethereus
  5. Dead Bits
  6. Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
  7. Etherlords I
  8. Etherlords II
  9. Mystery Title unlocked – Black Shadows from IceGames

All of the games are available for Windows from Steam. Two are also on Mac & Linux. Two of the games have Steam trading cards.

In addition, beat the $6 bonus target and you also get the Wastelands album from Protector 101!

Let us know if you’ll be getting The Mixer 7 Bundle for $3.99 minimum and please share this post with your friends to help out charity.

Source: Official Website

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