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Infinite Crisis 2014 Summer Collection Costumes Now Available

Developer Turbine and Warner Bros. have announced new costumes for the Infinite Crisis 2014 Summer Collection are now available.

Take a look below:

We here at Infinite Crisis present you with the Infinite Crisis 2014 Summer Collection — a costume gallery filled with the best the DC Multiverse has to offer. Three of multiverse’s best and brightest (and in one person’s case, the most insane) are showing off these beautiful summer colors.

Beach Party Catwoman

Please turn your eye to the center stage, where this leading lady makes the catwalk live up to its name. Put your hands together for Selina Kyle, dressed to enjoy a drink on the beaches of Coast City. Outfitted with a wide-brimmed summer hat, curvaceous black swimsuit, and perfectly purple sarong, she’s ready for a dip in the water after her last trip to… First Gotham Bank?

Uhhh… let’s not look too closely at her purse there, Protectors. We’re sure that that jewelry belongs to her!

Lifeguard Aquaman

But wait- Who’s that handsome man running along the shoreline? Why it’s Arthur Curry, the Aquaman himself, ready to save the lives of the swimmers who didn’t wait 30 minutes after eating. This snazzy lifeguard is not only equipped with the Official Infinite Crisis 2014 Summer Collection Swim trunks (now available in Gotham City, Metropolis, Starling City, and Coast City), but he’s also sporting the official Beach Umbrella of Justice in place of his classic trident. Lifeguard Aquaman: He’ll be there, forever and always.

Summer Laughs Joker

Rounding out this year’s collection is the criminal mastermind, the Harlequin of Hate, the Ace of Knaves, the Clown Prince of Crime himself… the Joker! When he’s not kidnapping your loved ones, he’s taking the time to enjoy the fruits of summer tourism! (We hear that Gotham City amusement parks are all the rage these days.) Outfitted with a dashing beach-themed collared shirt, purple shorts, a vintage camera, and his iconic purple hat, this spine-tingling classic look is sure to draw even the most jaded Protector’s eyes in the Lost Sectors.

You can find the 2014 Summer Collection in the Infinite Crisis store as of Wednesday, June 25th at a price that won’t paralyze — 650 Crisis Coins each.

Beach Party Catwoman

Beach Party Catwoman
Beach Party Catwoman
Beach Party Catwoman

Lifeguard Aquaman

Lifeguard Aquaman
Lifeguard Aquaman
Lifeguard Aquaman

Summer Laughs Joker

Summer Laughs Joker
Summer Laughs Joker
Summer Laughs Joker

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Related: Infinite Crisis Reveals Supergirl Champion, Trailer

Source: Official Website

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