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INK Multicolored ‘Splatformer’ Coming to PS4 and Xbox One, 25% Discount for Xbox One Pre-Orders

INK Multicolored 'Splatformer' Coming to PS4 and Xbox One, 25% Discount for Xbox One Pre-Orders

Digerati Distribution and Zack Bell Games are absolutely tickled pink to announce that INK, the multicolored 2D splatformer, will be making a splash on PS4 and Xbox One in September. INK is available to pre-order now for Xbox One with a 25% discount from the Xbox Store.

INK is a fast-paced platformer about using colorful paint to uncover your surroundings. The object of each level is to defeat any enemies and reach the goal. But there’s a twist – the terrain is invisible to the player and must be revealed by splattering it with color. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, such as performing a double jump, squishing enemies, or dying and exploding in a shower of color (death has never been so useful)! The room isn’t wiped clean after death, so the player has an easier time navigating after multiple attempts!

INK Multicolored 'Splatformer' Coming to PS4 and Xbox One, 25% Discount for Xbox One Pre-Orders

Key Features

  • Test your skills across 75 INKgeniously designed levels
  • Splat enemies to open the exit portal
  • Defeat challenging bosses
  • Jump, squish, and die to cover levels in brightly colored paint
  • Tight, responsive controls mean you don’t feel cheated when you die
  • Trophies and Achievements added for PS4 and Xbox One
  • Original soundtrack composed by Vincent Rubinetti
  • Precision platforming make it a perfect challenge for speedrunning

Check Out the INK Console Trailer:

INK began life on indie game hosting site before an expanded version was released on Steam. The game currently has an INKpressive 88% positive rating on Steam (out of 573 user reviews). YouTube mega-celeb Markiplier praised the game, saying “It’s really pretty, the soundtrack is really cool, and it offers a unique challenge and a twist on puzzle-platforming.”


PS4 release date: September 19 (NA), September 20 (EU)
PS4 price: $9.99/€9.99
Xbox One release date: September 22
Xbox One pre-order price: $7.49/€7.49
Xbox One game page: (25% discount for pre-orders)

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