Gaming Cypher

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We’ve had the pleasure of interviewing independent developer Iron Bit about their Sci-Fi action MMO-sandbox title, Colonies Online, currently available for PC on Steam Early Access.

  1. What was your inspiration for developing Colonies Online?
    We took our inspiration from games of different genres and styles. But mainly from Star Wars Galaxies, WoW, Diablo. You can find interesting gameplay combinations in each of those games. Of course when we are implementing features in our game, we bring something unique from our team and give it our own stamp.
  2. Do you have future plans to develop Colonies Online for consoles or mobile?
    Not right now, but we will totally be looking into it in the future. Right now the main focus is to finish Windows PC version.
  3. What is your favorite part (or parts) of the game?
    Dynamic combat – some of the monsters pose a real threat. Also it is quite cool to walk around and look for high quality resources, you can find real gems sometimes! And, of course, it is nice to have some peaceful time to thoughtfully build your own corner at the edge of the Universe.
  4. When do you foresee Colonies Online releasing out of Steam Early Access?
    We would like to go as fast as we can, but we understand that there is a lot of work to be done! We plan to move from early access to beta in first quarter of 2016, and then to release, but it’s too early to give exact date. Our team is small, and the project is really ambitious, so we are doing all we can to deliver on our ideas.
  5. How did Iron Bit come about?
    At the core of our team are skilled guys who previously worked at big Russian developers. Some time ago they decided to make their dream game, and here we are, working hard to make it come true. Iron Bit started as a 2-man team, we are now 5, with some outsourcers from time to time.
  6. Because we always ask everyone, if you could become any game character, who would you be?
    Alex (Game Designer): Gordon Freeman.
    Igor (Co-founder, Game Designer, Artist): stealthy sniper type, fragile but very dangerous.

We’d like to thank the Iron Bit team for taking the time to interview with us and wish them much success with Colonies Online.

Here is the early access video:

Colonies Online is currently on Steam Early Access.

Related: Colonies Online Intro Trailer

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