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Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game Funded on Kickstarter with 20 Days to Go

Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game Funded on Kickstarter with 20 Days to Go

After just a few days, Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game was already funded on Kickstarter. Today, the Iron Sky team announced more extras as it gets ready to try to reach for those much-coveted stretch goals.

The Iron Sky RPG team has announced Backerkit support as well as several add-ons and pledge options, including the inclusion of the original Iron Sky comic.

‘We’ll have a new comic made as well,’ RPG creator Dirk says, ‘but we needed to wait with announcing the inclusion of the first comic until the publisher gave us a go-ahead. We’ve tried to make it as accessible as possible, at lower prices than you would normally pay, and we’ve also included full character writeups for comic characters—they’re even coded to the exact pages so you can find your favorite characters right away.’

The Iron Sky team has also announced it will launch a Living Campaign at Gen Con 2018 — a shared Iron Sky: The RPG universe players can be part of. Their Characters’ actions will have an impact on future Adventures and Character advancement, making sure the players get immersed into the Iron Sky setting even more than usual. Details will be made available upon the RPG launch in February 2018.

‘We’ll have a new comic made as well,’ RPG creator Dirk says, ‘but we needed to wait with announcing the inclusion of the first comic until the publisher gave us a go-ahead. We’ve tried to make it as accessible as possible, at lower prices than you would normally pay, and we’ve also included full character writeups for comic characters—they’re even coded to the exact pages so you can find your favorite characters right away.’

Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game Funded on Kickstarter with 20 Days to Go

The Iron Sky team has also announced it will launch a Living Campaign at Gen Con 2018 — a shared Iron Sky: The RPG universe players can be part of. Their Characters’ actions will have an impact on future Adventures and Character advancement, making sure the players get immersed into the Iron Sky setting even more than usual.  Details will be made available upon the RPG launch in February 2018.

Next 20 Days:

“We have less than 20 days to go,’ adds Dirk, ‘and we’d like to make good use of those 3 weeks. We’ve got some great stretch goals lined up, so we hope people will continue to support and us and get us there. It’d be great if we include some of the extra stuff we have in mind, as it’ll make sure we can develop the setting and the visuals even further, so here’s hoping people will continue to support us!”

Iron Sky: The RPG includes material from the upcoming film, Iron Sky: The Coming Race. The release date falls on the same date as Iron Sky: The Coming Race, the 14th of February, 2018.

You can go help support Iron Sky: The RPG on Kickstarter right now.

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.

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