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Juggernaut Wars Update Introduces New Clan Features, Heroes & Optimization

Juggernaut Wars Update Introduces New Clan Features, Heroes & Optimization

Moscow, Russia – Global video game publisher is pleased to release a massive update for its successful, mobile action RPG title, Juggernaut Wars. Based on community feedback, update 1.1 features a full clan system, which is a great way to gather friends or form new alliances with other players. Together with clan mates, players will fight through brand-new group raids against the most dangerous enemies in Haradan. In the Clan feature, players can unlock and develop unique abilities that boost and power up all members of the clan. Moreover, there are new clan rewards for all the victories achieved side by side with friends. This can be traded for new powerful fighters; the horrifying herald of death Arzgar, fierce spirit of flame Hitay, and the deadly Naga prince Amok.

Update 1.1 implements great optimization changes such as, faster Elixir usage, auto battle mode for challenges, new gorgeous animations, and a fully reworked user interface. New dialogues will help players to understand storyline better and increase level of immersion into the game.

Juggernaut Wars Update Introduces New Clan Features, Heroes & Optimization

In Juggernaut Wars, players fight to save the fascinating world of Haradan – a world familiar to fans of its predecessor Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering, the multi-million download RPG hit from 2012. The world of Haradan has fallen into turmoil and a devastating civil war has further divided its two factions: the League and the Cohort. The ruler of the last city, who was capable of keeping the peace, suddenly disappears under violent and suspicious circumstances. Only the player’s team of heroes can journey the predatory wastelands and woodlands to unravel its mysteries, using dexterity and speed in battle to restore order to Haradan.

Juggernaut Wars Key features:

  • Gameplay is set in the legendary universe of Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering
  • Choose your own “dream team” from a vast roster of fearless heroes, each with their own unique abilities. Collect and enchant weapons to enhance their combat effectiveness and further customize their characters
  • Fast paced strategic combat, presented on a diverse set of colorful battlefields with gorgeous 3D graphics
  • A multitude of game modes, including: A full story Campaign PvP with epic wars between clans, and Trials in which players work together with friends to defeat special monsters in the dangerous world fights

Watch the official Juggernaut Wars trailer:

Juggernaut Wars is now on Google Play and iOS mobile platforms.

Related: Juggernaut Wars Available Now on Google Play

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