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Kairo – Now Available on Steam, Trailer

Steam just announced that Lupus Studios’ Kairo, the atmospheric 3D exploration and puzzle solving game, is now available for download.

Players enter the lost world of Kairo, explore vast abandoned monuments, bring strange and ancient machinery back to life while slowly uncovering the true purpose of Kairo and fulfill a great destiny.

You can view the release trailer below:

Key Features:

  • Exploration – Travel through a strange world full of abstract architecture. Each room is unique so there’s always something new to find
  • Puzzle Solving – Repair ancient forgotten machinery to slowly bring the world back to life
  • Environmental Storytelling – Exposition without the traditional dialogue or text. The story of Kairo is told through the world itself. The things you find will slowly help you unravel the true purpose of this mysterious land
  • Atmospheric Soundtrack – The music helps shape the land and will fill you with an equal measure of wonder and dread

You can download the game on Steam for 20% off right now at $6.39 for PC, Mac and Linux.

What did you think? Will you be giving this game a try?

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