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Kitaria Fables Review for PlayStation 5

Kitaria Fables Review for PlayStation 5

Greetings Gamers, Greg Vander Velde here to talk about Kitaria Fables on the PS5 from publisher PQube and developer Twin Hearts. This insanely cute action adventure RPG brings into the mix farming and crafting into a very otherwise Zelda-like game. All the while every character being a variety of cute anthropomorphized animals in a small village cut off from the main city. 

At the beginning of the game, you get a little bit of Kataria History lesson. Learning about a great war that took place between enraged monsters and “Canoiderans.” Now after surviving the war against the monsters, magic has been outlawed. In fear of whatever mysterious power that enraged the docile monsters previously and it is all  happening again. So, of course, you’ll discover magic and start being trained by an old exiled mage on how to control and grow your powers. But before I get too deep into magic, what’s your purpose? What’s going on? You’ve been sent to the village to protect it from the monsters that have been rumored to be enraged. Not taking the rumors too seriously, they just send you and your companion. 

Kitaria Fables Review for PlayStation 5

So you’re a trained fighter and you can run around and beat people with your sword as well as use magic once you have it. You can have four quick spells equipped at a time if you want something different you have to go back to one of the few locations where it is available to swap spells and change them out. You can also gather and craft other weapons like a bow and arrow or more advanced swords. You can craft things from health rejuvenating foods to combining magical items to create spells or you can just sell things in order to make money to buy items, just be careful not to sell something you might need. The old goat of a mayor will warn you about that near the beginning of the game, so make sure you go and look at each vendors required ingredients to build things before you get too sell happy. 

The farming mechanic is very easy to use and is designed as you would expect it to be. Farming is relaxing and all the tools you need to farm are accessible in a chest next to your little plot of land so you don’t have to worry about carrying them around all the time. There are places in the world where you can use your tools to collect resources like gems though so sometimes it’s worthwhile caring the pickaxe especially once you expand your carrying load with a backpack. 

Kitaria Fables Review for PlayStation 5

So for the pros and cons, Kitaria Fables has a lot of really well design things. The art style is beautiful and cute and the controls are responsive. It’s immediately fun as you start your adventure and learn about the world around you, so there is no shortage of pros to this game.

For the cons, there are a few big ones that stand out for one the load time in between scenes seems extremely long especially when playing on a PS5 because all the other load times and games are extremely fast, fast travel in something like Spider-Man Miles Morales or Ghost of Tsushima with huge 3D environments still load significantly faster. In this game, if you have accidentally gone in the wrong direction by crossing one of the dotted lines that indicates you are going into a new section of map or dungeon you’ll have to turn around and wait through the same load screen. It’s very frustrating. The second part to that is that some of the areas that count as one loaded area seem awfully small for how frequently you’ll have to load a new room; this is especially annoying in dungeons where each room of the dungeon has to be loaded each time you go in or out of a new room. There is also locked camera angles, which isn’t the end of the world but can be annoying. 

I would give Kitaria Fables my recommendation. There’s tons of fun to be had here on an artful cute style. Gameplay reminds me of Legend of Zelda for the most part and that’s always a huge plus. Wouldn’t say the farming aspect of the game is the main part of the game, it’s just a layer that makes this game more unique. This game deserves an 8 1/2 out of 10. It’s very accessible to new gamers who might not have played this type of game before, especially younger gamers with its cute art style I have no doubt that people will want to collect merchandise from this game even.

Check Out the Kitaria Fables Trailer:

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