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Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Available Now, Feature Trailer

STOCKHOLM — May 14, 2015 — Paradox Interactive, a publisher and developer with +4 to CHA, today released Knights of Pen & Paper 2 for iOS and Android devices. After successfully making their Craft check together with developer KYY Games, Paradox is now inviting gamers to experience the sequel to Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition, which includes state-of-the-art 16-bit graphics, brand new classes to choose from, the introduction of races, and more features than can fit in a bag of holding. The game is available today for $4.99 via the App Store and Google Play. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 will launch later this year for PC, Mac, and Linux.

Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Feature Trailer

Roll up a role in Knights of Pen & Paper 2 with a new turn-based adventure, where players get to take on the role of both players and GM in a party of disparate role-playing miscreants. Quest through a new story as the world of Paperos struggles to adapt to a new ruleset, facing dynamic dungeons, an improved combat system, new loot and crafting mechanics, and so many pop culture jokes that you’d swear this game was about thrones.

Main features

  • The ultimate retro role-playing simulation – again!
  • Fully customizable party, from the players to the game room
  • Expanded equipment and crafting systems
  • All-new campaign featuring dozens of locations, sidequests, and dynamic dungeons

Here is the feature trailer:

Knights of Pen & Paper 2 is now available at the App Store and Google Play.

Related: Humble Paradox Interactive Bundle is Now Live

Source: ParadoxInteractive

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