Upon its initial release, Animation Arts‘ adventure classic Lost Horizon gripped its audience by recreating the unique flair of our favorite blockbusters in a captivating adventure game environment. In cooperation with Deep Silver FISHLABS the game is currently being ported to smartphones and tablets, including full voice acting in German and English. While the iOS version will presumably hit the App Store in July 2015, the Android version will follow on Google Play shortly after. On both platforms, Lost Horizon will be offered as a premium app.
Hamburg, Germany – June 3rd, 2015 – Earlier today, Hamburg-based mobile games studio Deep Silver / Fish Labs announced the porting of Lost Horizon to mobile devices. Both the iOS and the Android version of Animation Arts‘ popular adventure hit are scheduled to be released in summer 2015. Adventure fans can look forward to an exciting story line taking place in Hong Kong in the year 1936: When Fenton Paddock gets dismissed from the British Air Force, he keeps himself above water as a smuggler and petty crook – until he receives the lucrative offer to locate an expedition led by his old friend Richard, which went missing in the highlands of Tibet. However, Fenton and his ex-girlfriend Kim are not the only ones eager to find the missing research group. The Nazis have sent a secret task force to Tibet as well and assigned them to get hold of the lost explorers, whose revolutionary findings bear the power to change the fate of the world forever.
Besides the fascinating story line, the inclusion of complete voice-overs in English and German further adds to Lost Horizon’s well-made atmosphere. The lively dialogues between the protagonists are presented by popular dubbing actors from TV and cinema and the riveting plot is accentuated by a vibrant score. In addition, the title also enthralls its players with a cinematic presentation with high quality graphics with close attention to detail as well as innovative riddle and puzzle designs and exotic locations such as Hong Kong, Tibet and Morocco.
The adventure classic, which marks the third cooperation between Deep Silver FISHLABS and Animation
Arts after the iOS and Android portings of Secret Files Tunguska and Secret Files Sam Peters, will go live
on the App Store as a premium title for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch in July. Shortly after, Lost Horizon
will also be released on Google Play for Android-powered smartphones and tablets.
Related: Galaxy on Fire: Alliances Now Out for Mobile
Source: Press Release
I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.
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