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LyteShot Receives Accolades and Awards at CES 2015

In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher today, Reverb Games announced that LyteShot has received accolades and awards at CES 2015.

GAMEPLAY VIDEO: The LyteShot team issued a gameplay video highlighting augmented reality using the Epson Moverio BT-200 smart glasses, 3D printed peripherals (swords, daggers, guns), and two upcoming games in action.

CES AWARD: The response from media, attendees, and judges was overwhelmingly positive, culminating in LyteShot being awarded the prestigious CES 2015 Innovation Design Award in the Gaming Hardware & Accessories category.

TECHCRUNCH HARDWARE BATTLEFIELD: LyteShot pitched and was accepted into this year’s prestigious TechCrunch Hardware Battlefield event held live at CES 2015. TechCrunch’s Hardware Battlefield pits hand-picked start-ups whose fresh and innovative ideas reflect the demands of a tech-driven consumer society. See the TechCrunch preview here.

ACCOLADES: Here are what a few key game and tech sites have said after seeing LyteShot up close and personal.

  • “…what LyteShot is doing with the sport of kings (laser tag’s the sport of kings, right?) is pretty mind-blowing.” – IGN
  • “Starting with the gun and puck as a base, the company hopes to build an open platform on which hobbyists and pro developers can build their own gadgets and games.” – TechCrunch
  • “…it’s got a ton of major implications for mobile games, and in particularly those who love the idea of making it a more social activity. LARPers would certainly eat this up.” – Game ‘N Guide

Join the gaming revolution and support LyteShot on Kickstarter. For more information please visit the Website, Twitter feed @Lyteshot, or “like” it on Facebook or Google+.

Related: LyteShot Launches Kickstarter Campaign Reinventing the Next Generation of Gaming

Source: Press Release

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