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LyteShot Reveals Details on Tactical Live-Action Invasion

In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher today, Reverb Games announced that LyteShot has revealed details on tactical live-action Invasion.


Team-based, Tactical Game Pits Humans Against Oncoming Plague With Strategic Live-Action Objectives

LyteShot Reveals Details on Tactical Live-Action Invasion

Chicago, Illinois – January 15, 2014 – In the wake of LyteShot Inc.’s recently announced Kickstarter campaign (help support it here), the studio is proud to reveal the innovative team-based game Invasion, one of the three titles in development for its disruptive new platform coming to iOS and Android this year. Invasion is the creation of Chris Weed and Joe Sklover, two key developers who launched the LARPing phenomenon Humans Vs. Zombies, a massive scale, team-oriented game pitting commandos equipped with Nerf guns and marshmallow shooters against swarms of “zombies.” Invasion is the next step in the live-action gaming phenomenon, tasking players to cooperatively band together in teams led by a squad “commander” to stop a widespread virtual plague.

Assassin: The Game, the first of three titles, will be coming at product launch, with Besieged and Invasion coming shortly thereafter. Invasion will round out the lineup, bringing a refreshing level of development support and an entirely new game for players to dive into. In Invasion, the world has been overrun by deadly pathogens. Players must band together cooperatively with other “survivors” to fight back and reclaim their neighborhood, and then, as the game progresses, eventually the planet.

“We’re absolutely ecstatic about the development of Invasion for LyteShot,” said Chris Weed, one of the key creators of Humans Vs. Zombies. “With a series of unique roles to involve the squad in eradicating the digital plague, gamers will use LyteShot wands in totally unique ways to help their teammates with skills only they possess. This is a completely new game and we’re confident that players will love it.”

Using a survival-style gameplay approach where winners achieve the highest level of kills and reach the maximum geographical reach, Invasion pits teams against non-stop waves of enemy plague attacks, while giving their team unique roles to fulfill. Players take on specialized roles including Commander, Eradicator, Vanguards, and Technicians to tactically eliminate the growing plague.

Key Features to the Four Roles of Invasion:

  • Commanders: There is one commander per team, and his/her role is focused primarily on strategic and effective communication with the whole team. Commanders have an eagle eye view of the entire map and decide how the team can best apply its resources. The Commander’s map receives information from the entire team and deploys other players to fulfill their specialized duties.
  • Eradicators: This role is crucial as it’s the only role in which the player is able to directly fight back against the computer enemies. Eradicators are central to every strategy.
  • Vanguards: Without Vanguards, players cannot plan ahead. Vanguards are able to view a much larger area of the map than any non­-commander roles. Thus, the Commander can see much more of an area if he sends a Vanguard to scout it out. Vanguards also can deploy decoys to allow them and their friends to escape, to buy precious extra seconds, or to lure enemies to their death.
  • Technicians: The technicians are masters of energy. They are able to carry more of it than any other role, and therefore withstand more attacks, repair more depleted extermination fields or recharge their teammates. They are deployable, though defenseless, providing the team’s base with additional energy. In addition, the energy lost over time by extermination fields is greatly reduced when a technician is nearby.

Played in a series of rounds, each successive round of Invasion increases the radius of the playing area and the intensity of the oncoming enemy plague. Once the round begins, the majority of enemies will appear in this new area. A round is over when all of the enemies have been eliminated. LyteShot automates the entire game by seamlessly tracking all in-game activity and displays real-time scores for players and fans tracking the games online.

Pioneering game system creator LyteShot went live with the groundbreaking KickStarter last week for their mobile gaming platform that turns any place in the world into your gaming arena. LyteShot’s open platform reimagines mobile gaming on iOS and Android smart phones and the next generation of heads-up displays (HUD) for unlimited real-world multiplayer experiences. Check out and support the Kickstarter here now.

Related: LyteShot Receives Accolades and Awards at CES 2015

Source: Press Release

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