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Max: The Curse of Brotherhood to XBLA, Trailer

Press Play announced the new physics-based puzzler game, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood.

In a press release, Game Director, Mikkel Thorsted, said: “Max is very much a labor of love for us. We’re highly influenced by the stories and movies from late seventies and early eighties like The Brothers Lionheart, The Goonies and Indiana Jones. At the same time it’s about family. About wishing your brother or sister would just go away, only to miss them terribly when they do and ultimately be willing to go through fire and water in order to get them back.”

Lead Game Designer, Mikkel Martin Pedersen, added: “Very early on in the development process we realized, we had to rethink the marker mechanics in order to be able to create more focused and interesting puzzles. The old marker was more marker than magic. This time it is the other way around.”

You can watch the trailer below:

The game will release this spring on XBLA for 1200 MS Points.

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