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Microsoft Studios is Hiring for Halo and Fable Jobs

Microsoft Studios has placed two listings for a Franchise Business Manager for Halo and Fable.

Microsoft Studios is Hiring for Halo and Fable Jobs

The Fable position calls for the following:

Role Purpose
Lionhead manages all aspects of the Fable franchise, and is looking to expand the IP into other areas such as video games to books, toys and TV as well as companion game opportunities. We work every day with Production, Business Development, Finance, Business Intelligence, Marketing and the Fable leadership to work towards making Fable one of the top entertainment brands. 

As a Fable Franchise Business Manager, you will be responsible for creating and managing additional Fable product lines. You will do everything you can to make those product lines wildly profitable and impactful for the franchise as a whole. From working with executive producers on product design strategy, developing business models, forging distribution and promotional partnerships to driving production efficiency, you will ensure that your P&L is something our entire studio is proud of. You won’t do this work alone, you will do it in collaboration with designers, producers, analysts, technologists and marketers. 

And the Halo position calls for the following:

As a Halo Franchise Business Manager, you will be responsible for optimizing a specific Halo product line. You will do everything you can to make that product line wildly profitable and impactful for the franchise as a whole. From working with executive producers on product design strategy, developing business models, forging distribution and promotional partnerships to driving production efficiency, you will ensure that your P&L is something our entire studio is proud of. You won’t do this work alone, you will do it in collaboration with some of the best designers, producers, analysts, technologists and marketers in the industry. 

Source: Microsoft Studios

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