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Minecraft on Nintendo? Watch the Video

Could Minecraft be heading to Nintendo? In accordance to Kotaku, Nintendo’s Takahashi stated that,

We’ve always thought internally that using the [Wii U] gamepad would probably make for a Minecraft that’s very easy to play. And, of course, if we were to do something on the 3DS, similarly we would probably do it where it would be easier to play and could probably reach a lot of kids.”

Minecraft on Nintendo? Watch the Video

Takahashi then added,

“What’s interesting is that, in Japan, Minecraft is not popular the way it is in the US and Europe, so we’ve thought that, if we were able to do a partnership like that, it might bring opportunity to help make Minecraft more popular in Japan.”

Take a look at the Machinima video below:

Would you like to see Minecraft on either Wii U or 3DS?

Related: Trials Fusion Minecraft Xbox 360 Skins Coming Wednesday

Source: Machinima

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