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Mirage: Arcane Warfare Playable at PAX East 2016

Mirage: Arcane Warfare Playable at PAX East 2016

Torn Banner Studios, the Toronto-based developers of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare announced that their upcoming PC title, Mirage: Arcane Warfare, will be playable for the first time at PAX East which runs from April 22 – 24 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (booth #10200).

Available for attendees to play will be a thrilling 6 vs 6 multiplayer combat experience across three stages in the Team Objective mode. Players will be able to choose from various classes which vary from backstabbing assassins to ranged magic casters, and will experience the game’s unique objective-based competitive gameplay in a live LAN environment against other PAX attendees.

In Mirage: Arcane Warfare, the calm of a strange fantasy world is shattered by ruthless civil war. Warriors armed with steel and magic bring violence and death as they do battle across a fantastical Arabian and Persian-inspired setting of desert sands, market bazaars and grand palaces. Built using the powerful new capabilities of Unreal Engine 4, Mirage: Arcane Warfare presents a visually stunning backdrop to some viscerally brutal multiplayer combat.

Mirage: Arcane Warfare Playable at PAX East 2016

Slated for release on PC through Steam later this year, Mirage: Arcane Warfare will feature a range of diverse player classes each with their own unique weapon and skill sets, exotic fantasy locales, multiple multiplayer game modes including objective-based challenges, brutal gore and a host of other innovative new features.

Torn Banner Studios has released a new image to give attendees a sneak peek at what they can expect at PAX East. Catch up on the latest videos for Mirage: Arcane Warfare at the Torn Banner Studios YouTube channel.

Torn Banner Studios released their second Community Dairy for Mirage: Arcane Warfare focused on the playable characters which will be at PAX.  Join Character & Weapon Artist Dylan Brady, Programmer and “Lore Guy” Kevin Jay along with Senior Brand Manager Alex Hayter here. The Community Dairy video will also post on the game’s news blog following all the latest updates and news for the game at

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