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MLB 2K13 $25,000 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced

MLB 2K13Justin Chavarria1

Justin Chavarria of Eugene, Oregon has won the MLB 2K13 $25,000 Perfect Game Challenge.

Chavarria, who defeated Brad Holland of Garland, Texas, using the Texas Rangers over the Oakland A’s said,

“This has been a life-changing experience over the last four months. I had a great time competing against the other three finalists during the tournament, and this is a day I’ll never forget.”

This year’s Game Challenge contained 30 $25,000 MLB Team Leaderboard prize pools, one per MLB team, for a total of $750,000. In addition, more than 785,000 perfect game attempts were logged, and more than 2,500 perfect games were verified.

The MLB 2K13 and the NBA 2K13/MLB 2K13 Combo Pack are available for sale.

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