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Mobile Game Engine Leader Chukong Technologies Launches Cocos 3.7

Mobile Game Engine Leader Chukong Technologies Launches Cocos 3.7

Menlo Park, CA, July 28, 2015 — Today, Chukong Technologies announced the merger of Cocos2d-JS into Cocos2d-x to form the Cocos v3.7 upgrade. With Cocos 3.7, developers have greater ease of use and less confusion over which product to use as well as the ability to customize their Coscos Framework. In addition, the Cocos SDKBOX is now fully launched and is a platform that provides a smooth integration of third party SDK services with games developed with industry-renowned Cocos2d-x game engine. Cocos SDKBOX is an open platform that supports all major services for mobile game’s production and operation, in the areas of analytics, user acquisition, monetization, advertising, and more.

Features of Cocos2d-x v3.7

  • 3D Physics
  • 3D Navigation Mesh
  • Material System
  • All in one Cocos2d-x
  • Enhanced Polygon Sprite
  • WebView and VideoPlayer in JS
  • Nine Patch format support
  • Android Studio support
  • Samsung Enhanced API support

“We’re constantly looking to upgrade and improve our services,” said Kai Zhao, General Manager of Chukong Technologies, USA. “Cocos 3.7 is a major upgrade that will allow our partners to get a more robust level of use as well as have an overall better user experience.”

Cocos2d-x is now the largest open source mobile game engine with 490,000 registered mobile game developers and over 16,000 published titles. Cocos SDKBOX framework has grown its post-launch, live services and integrations to include:

  • TUNE Mobile App Tracking
  • Google Analytics
  • Flurry Analytics
  • AgeCheq COPPA Compliance
  • Soomla Grow

“PrivacyCheq is delighted to have been selected by Chukong to provide our COPPA compliance tech, AgeCheq, to Cocos 2D developers. By integrating “Best of Breed” third party services into a curated and documented offering, SDKBOX elegantly solves the “SDK Fatigue” problem for today’s mobile game developers.” — Roy Smith, Founder and CEO, PrivacyCheq.

About Chukong Technologies

Chukong Technologies is a leading mobile entertainment platform company that drives and maintains a healthy development ecosystem, provides users with excellent digital content, and pushes the digital entertainment experience forward. Chukong has helped some of the world’s largest mobile developers navigate the complexities of the Chinese mobile market, as well as published many of the most popular mobile titles in China, such as the Fishing Joy franchise. Chukong Technologies aims to become a leading digital distribution company and is currently expanding its infrastructure and partnerships to facilitate new business opportunities. Headquartered in Beijing, China, the company also has operations in Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, and Menlo Park, California. For more information, please visit here and follow the company on Twitter at @CocoaChina.

About PrivacyCheq

PrivacyCheq leads the industry with innovative technology solutions covering the intersection of privacy and mobile/autonomous devices. The company delivers cloud-based privacy disclosure, regulatory compliance and management services to mobile app and game publishers and website operators.  As the industry’s premier CaaS (compliance as a service) provider, AgeCheq’s patent pending COPPA service fulfills the need for a single sign-on “common consent mechanism” that streamlines compliance for both parents and publishers.  The company offers a variety of services to deliver TOS, EULA and Privacy Policies, Regulation P and Euro DPD compliant privacy notices to mobile users on any device or operating system. For more information visit here.

Source: Press Release

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