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MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

Bolt the doors down and prepare the biggest bunker that you can imagine – Mr. Prepper asks you one question, and one question only – how deep and how much can you hunker down? Published by Ultimate Games, comes this game of secret bunker building and paranoia parody. Set in “Murricaville, You are a cast as a frequent escapee who is now under the surveillance of “The Man” – the G-Man himself to be exact!

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

With the risk of nuclear war oncoming and your previous freedoms left in the dust, it is your job to prepare to survive what is to come. Using anything you can get your hands on in and outside the house or trade for, you must create a bunker worthy of surviving a nuclear apocalypse. Thank God for your Nintendo Switch touch screen to help make it all happen on the go or in your own bunker at home! 

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

While Mr. Prepper is available on multiple consoles, it is nice to have on the handheld Switch. For what amounts to, at its core, a point and click adventure game, it is handled very nicely without a mouse. There are some technical issues that arise that are typical for any touch screen-based device, and the length of the Switch can sometimes lead to some awkward Twisteresque hand positions, but I found this more of a laugh than a true nuisance. I am more than happy to have the option; it is natural for drag and drop inventory gameplay such as this.  

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

The graphics are not going to blow you away either stylistically or with super power, but they get the job done and do an admirable job of setting the tone of the game. Much like real life nuclear bomb test sites, the town of Murricaville gives off this vibe that while it looks, sounds, and operates normally, there is something deeply wrong and unsettling about it. I think the developers knew exactly what they were going for and hit the nail on the head. 

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

The dialogue is, as you can tell by some of the names like Murricaville, filled with parody. Mr. Prepper itself is a hilarious name to me, and the game gives many laugh and chuckle worthy moments as you play through. Particularly funny is hiding your progress when the G-Man comes to your door. A carpet here, a moved bench there, and a cover anywhere does the job of protecting you from any suspicion, with the G-Man none the wiser as if he is programmed to only check the basics to the t. “You’re not up to any crazy escape plans, are you citizen?” being said as he stands a room away from a bulletin board with just that written on it cracks me up. Even if you get caught, he will not immediately shut you down, you have to build it to that point! 

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

Mr. Prepper is a great example of an ant farm style point and click build game. Especially handy on the Switch with the option of multiple ways to play and touch screen controls, it is a great game for a long car ride, or even for a bit of bunker building in bed. If you were looking for a nice little summer pick me up game, you can’t go wrong! 

MR. PREPPER Review for Nintendo Switch

Graphics: 7.5/10 

Storyline: 8/10 

Gameplay: 8.5/10 

Comedic Factor: 9/10 

Overall: 8.5 

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