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Mutant Football League has Officially Launched on Steam

Mutant Football League has Officially Launched on Steam

No MFL players are forced to stand for the anthem.
Heck, we’re lucky if any of them are still standing
after the 1st quarter!

MORTON GROVE, Ill. – Oct. 31, 2017 – Dirty tricks and dismembering treats take the field this Halloween as Indie games developer Digital Dreams Entertainment LLC has announced that its Mutant Football League game has officially launched on Steam for the PC platform.

The bloody-fun, next-gen, successor to arcade-style American football games
— inspired by over-the-top sports titles such as NFL Blitz and the Sega Genesis classic, Mutant League Football — is available on Steam for $24.99 (U.S.). Home console versions of the game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are expected to launch in January 2018.

Check out the gruesome Mutant Football League gameplay in this trailer:

From Kickstarter to Kick Off

The Mutant Football League game’s figurative rise from the dead came about from a three-year development effort fueled by incredible fan support and a successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Digital Dreams’ initial $60,000 crowdfunding goal was achieved in a mere four days, fortuitously culminating on Super Bowl Sunday 2016, before blasting past several stretch goals to provide over $138,000 in crowd-sourced funding for the game.

“It’s been a long, tough and hard fought road, but also one of the most satisfying development experiences I’ve ever been a part of,” said Michael Mendheim, co-founder of Digital Dreams Entertainment. “We set out to make a new and fresh game that’s an entertaining parody of American football, while drawing inspiration from prior games that have left their marks on the industry, including the original Genesis game. I believe that we achieved our design goals. And, with the current politicized climate surrounding American football, I also hope we make people laugh throughout the remainder of the football season while thinking about the good, the bad, and ugly aspects of the real-life characters that play the sport and run the business known as American football.”

The development team plans to continue to create new features and enhancements post-release of the PC game and will focus on adding competitive play features and tools to allow players to create their own content (e.g., characters, teams, plays, etc.).

Mutant Football League has Officially Launched on Steam

Sounds Like a Winner!

Legendary voice-over actor Tim Kitzrow provides entertaining commentary during Mutant Football League gameplay. Kitzrow is best known for his work in one of the great classic sports games of all time, NBA Jam, with such memorable sound bites as “He’s on fire!” and “Boomshakalaka!”

Digital Dreams, along with acclaimed audio director Brian Schmidt, have also announced music deal signings with a variety of artists and Mutant League Records to ensure that the Mutant Football League game’s soundtrack delivers an aural impact that suitably complements the player’s screams of torment and pain.

“Ever since our label started putting out albums under the moniker ‘Mutant League Records’ in 2012, people have asked me if our name was an homage to the video games from the ’90s. So we’ve always been very aware of the cult following that surrounds the series,” said Nate Steinheimer, owner of Mutant League Records. “But after learning of the push to make Mutant Football League, we felt inclined to reach out to the developers to see if there was anything we could do to help — and the rest is history.”

Mutant League Records is an independent record label based in Chicago, Ill. Established in 2012, Mutant League has released albums for seminal pop-punk groups such as Seaway, As It Is, Belmont, and many others. The company’s contributions to the Mutant Football League soundtrack include tracks from Ambleside, Belmont, Seaway, and Vacant Home.

Mutant Football League has Officially Launched on Steam

About Mutant Football League

Digital Dreams’ all-new Mutant Football League game is a 7-on-7, arcade-style, fully 3D, sports video game where a variety of gruesome creatures take to the gridiron to battle it out in the most violent game ever played! Loaded with attitude and over-the-top comic violence, this hilarious and brutal parody of professional American football provides addictive mayhem and will introduce gamers to some of the wildest, most bloodthirsty superstar players to ever strap on shoulder spikes.

Additional Game Details
  • Monsters, Miscreants, Mayhem, and More: Choose from 18 blood-thirsty, wisecracking teams including the Skeletal Deadheads, Armored Bruiserbots, Criminal Aliens, Mutated Humans, and Monstrous Orcs.
  • Gridiron Carnage: Players inflict maximum carnage on the opposition with brass-knuckle punches, steel-toed kicks, hand grenades, clubs, battle axes, chainsaws, and more. Exploding body parts, comically horrific deaths, and blood splatters fuel the MFL visual experience.
  • Down ‘n’ Dirty: Use dirty tricks during gameplay to “Bribe the Ref”, throw bombs, or equip weapons to inflict maximum carnage for real game-changing moments!
    Full Season Mode: Dive into Exhibition, Practice, and Playoff games, or try and survive the Full Season grind to reach the ultimate showdown: The Mayhem Bowl!
  • Killer Stadiums: The 18 unique playfields are filled with diabolical and dangerous traps and hazards — including explosive landmines, buzz saws, toxic moats, lava flows, and crazed fans cheering on their favorite murderous squad.
  • Multiplayer Madness: Two-player online or four-player local multiplayer gives offers the choice to clobber opponents or team up with friends to crush opposing miscreants!

Mutant Football League game is now available for PC on Steam. You can also download the demo on the official website.

Related: Mutant Football League Heading to GDC 2017

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