Gaming Cypher

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New Action Horror Game Jeanne Announced by Etienne Périn

Developer Etienne Périn (GAUGE and Zorbiéhas announced his new action, horror title Jeanne.

Jeanne will be a mix between FEZ (for the platform/exploration aspects), Another World / Prince of Persia (for the action), and some old CD-ROM horror games, like Phantasmagoria (with that photo/video atmosphere) and, of course, Clock Tower (because I simply love this game).

Other inspirations for this game are very varied : there will be some David Lynch in there, some Dario Argento, David Cronenberg, Junji Ito, Roman Polanski… I don’t know if everything will fit in, but theses are my references.

Last but not least, Romain Gauthier will make the musics (with a buddy. Maybe I’ll join, if I can find some time to take my synthesizer out).

Here are some screenshots:


Take a look at the teaser trailer below:

Jeanne is slated for a 2015 release for PC. What did you think?

Related: Atari Unveils Survival Horror Games at PAX Prime 2014

Source: Press Release and Official Website

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