Gaming Cypher

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Nimicry Streams for Father’s Day Bourbon Charity April 20

YouTuber Nimicry Streams for Father's Day Bourbon Charity April 20

Next week on Saturday, April 20th, 2:00pm – 6:00pm EST, Twitch streamer, Nimicry, will be doing his first ever Charity Stream for Bourbon Charity. He will giveaway bourbon and host a virtual 5k run/walk event on Father’s Day to raise money for five awesome 2019 supported charities:

  1. Prostate Cancer Foundation
  2. Children’s Tumor Foundation
  3. Fisher House Foundation
  4. Boys and Girls Club of East Valley
  5. Charity: Water

So the plan will be to donate to their Paypal to help support the charities of your choice.

Please tune in to the Bourbon Charity stream Saturday, April 20th between 2:00-6:00pm EST – 

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