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Odeum RPG’s for Education in the Digital Age Has 3 Days Left on Kickstarter

Odeum RPG 's for Education in the Digital Age Has 3 Days Left on Kickstarter

In World of Warcraft you fought in the in The Battle of Darrowshire. In GTA you robbed the Bank of Liberty next to the McReary brothers. But now it’s time to take your Questing to the world of education. That’s right. But this is not your father’s ed games of playing Oregon Trail or Where in the World is Carman San Diego. In Odeum, you take on quests to infiltrate Red Coats and help Paul Revere; or help Jews escape the holocaust in occupied Poland from WWII. Or carry out quests in Spain to practice Spanish. The YGeneration is playing WoW, Grand Theft Auto, and Oblivion. They need the next generation in Educational Games.

Odeum Role-Playing Games for Education in the Digital Age is currently on Kickstarter with three days remaining.

Here is the official Odeum Role Playing Games for Critical Thinking video:

You can find more information on the Odeum official website and support them on Kickstarter.

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