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Oriental Empires New Update Adds Chinese Language in Beta Branch

Oriental Empires New Update Adds Chinese Language in Beta Branch

Haarlem, The Netherlands – October 21 2016 – Publisher Iceberg Interactive unveils a major update today to the highly regarded 4x turn-based strategy title Oriental Empires, available on the Steam Early Access program, including the simplified Chinese language to the game. After a highly positive reception, the game continues to receive regular updates, greatly improving all aspects of the game, including siege mechanics, battles, economy and play balancing.

Here is the Update changelog for Oriental Empires:

  • Fixed problem with UI being clipped on 4K and other high screen resolutions
  • Fixed bug that sometimes prevented your army from attacking pillagers in your territory
  • Changed rules on trade route blocking, so route only blocked if the blocker can block both the sender and receivers trade. Stops vassals blocking your external trade routes
  • Removed option to ask your vassal to recognize you as emperor, or become your vassal again
  • Land improvement mode is reset when starting a new game
  • Fixed problem with front end buttons when going back before starting a game
  • Some minor graphical updates to ships
  • Fixed some typos. Apologies to fans of rhino amour

Furthermore, an important feature on the roadmap has been accelerated, due to community pressure, and players are now able to opt into a simplified Chinese version of the game. In order to access the Chinese version of the game, players must click their right mouse button on the game in their Steam list, select properties and click BETAS. From the drop down menu, select Chinese beta and the Chinese version will be downloaded automatically.

Developers R.T. Smith and John Carline, renowned for their work on the original Total War titles, have more in store for their growing community in the upcoming weeks for Oriental Empires, including the hotly anticipated multiplayer mode.

Oriental Empires is now available in Steam’s Early Access Program at $29.99 .

Related: Oriental Empires Now on Steam Early Access

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