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Orten was the Case Review for Nintendo Switch

Introduction/Information about Orten was the Case

The game Orten was the Case is a game that officially released on November 29th, 2023 on Nintendo Switch, as well as Steam, PlayStation 4 and 5 and Xbox Series X, Series S, and One. This game is a single player detective/puzzle adventure game where players are stuck in a time loop and must use this time loop to help save the world from global catastrophe. I enjoy adventure games, as well as detective games, so I was excited to see how this game played. After playing Orten was the Case, I believe that this game is an enjoyable adventure game with very well thought out puzzles for players to solve.

Orten was the Case Review for Nintendo Switch


The gameplay for Orten was the Case, on the surface, is simple. Before the player is thrown into the game, they offer different settings to appeal to the player. Once the game fully starts, it will teach the player the controls. In terms of the main controls, it mostly consists of moving, jumping, and interacting with things in the world around you. After learning the controls, the player is set to complete their objectives. The first objective is a short, but simple one. I believe this objective is a good way to help the player understand what they will be doing in the game. Waking up in some kind of trailer home, Ziggy (the player) has lost his memory of what happened to him the night before. After searching inside the trailer home, the player will find their first objective, which is to meet up with a friend. Once the player explores outside, they will see the area the game takes place in, which seems like just a simple neighborhood. Players can jump and climb onto different parts of buildings in the area and talk with different people in the neighborhood. Something I enjoyed when exploring the neighborhood was the unique art style of the game. It was very interesting to see.

Once players are done getting used to their surroundings, they will find their friend who will tell them about a job they need the player’s help to get done. However, the player needs to figure out how to get into the building themselves. Once they do so, they will need to meet up and help their friend by dropping an item off for them. However, they can’t exit the way they came in. Doing this will get you caught by the police. Once players find a different exit and drop off the item, they will need to meet back up with their friend. Doing so will help Ziggy regain some of his memories of what happened to him. After completing the objective, players can restart the loop to continue completing other objectives. Do this to help Ziggy regain his memories and potentially save the world.

Orten was the Case Review for Nintendo Switch

Final thoughts

Overall, I believe the game Orten was the Case was a fun adventure detective/puzzle game that players can enjoy. There are very well thought out puzzles that will leave players thinking on how to solve it. If you are a player who enjoys solving puzzles, then I would recommend playing this game. Players can get this game on Nintendo Switch, as well as Steam, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox Series X and One.

Score: 7/10

For more information, visit HERE

Related: Reviews by Nick Dooley

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I have played many games since childhood. I love games so much that I wish to pursue a career in game development, as well as any field that involves video games. I love analyzing the games I play, as well as state my opinions about the game. I wish to provide authentic, fair, and detailed reviews on my opinions on the games I play, as well as try to provide little bias toward the games I review.

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