Gaming Cypher had the pleasure of interviewing with Brian McRae, CEO and founder of developer Fenix Fire of Osiris: New Dawn.
- What influenced you the most to come up with the space survival/exploration game, Osiris: New Dawn?I really like to geek out on all things space travel and wanted to create an immersive, richly detailed alien world. Movies like The Martian and Prometheus were big influences along with countless sci fi novels that I read during development. I knew we should strive for a “near-future sci-fi” setting to reinforce the feeling of vulnerability and danger. I’m also fascinated with horror and love watching and analyzing horror movies.
- Is the game mostly single player or will you be able to interact with other players?We’ve been conducting gameplay sessions with multiple players building habs together with others going out on resource expeditions, which has been really cool. Since day one of development we’ve had both single and multiplayer modes up and running, something we knew was important. This has allowed full PvP, PvE, and single player modes in Osiris: New Dawn.
- Do you have to rely on others to survive or can you do it on your own?You can survive on your own, plus every player starts with a repair bot as a NPC companion. These bots can be programmed to accept all kinds of commands like automatic resource gathering, base defense patrolling, and flanking maneuvers while on expeditions.
- Are there any bosses that you have to defeat in order to progress or is this mainly an exploration/crafting game?We have really large creatures in the game though I’m not sure there needs to be a distinction. We never looked at the genre conventions of action, RPG and Survival. We simply asked ourselves “what would happen if you actually crashed on an alien planet” and focused squarely on that with blinders on.
- What is your best advice for players who play Osiris: New Dawn for the first time? Does it have a tutorial or do you get intuitively immersed right away?Jump into the single player mode and run around, check everything out, determine if you like to play the first or third person view. Once you get started there’s an optional mission sequence to get you going. I think when you experience your first alien rain storm with strange noises coming from behind rocks or a crater, you’ll know you’re not in Kansas anymore.
- Last, but not least, if you could be any video game character ever created, who would you be?Link from the original Legend of Zelda, because he’s really awesome at throwing a boomerang. Plus I’m a huge fan of Miyamoto and Nintendo.
We would like to thank Brian for taking the time to interview with us.
Osiris: New Dawn will be available for PC on Steam September 28, 2016.
Related: Osiris: New Dawn Coming to Steam and Consoles
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