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Outer Wilds to Cross the 100K Threshold on Fig and New Demo Available

Outer Wilds to Cross the 100K Threshold on Fig and New Demo Available

Developer Mobius Digital has announced that Outer Wilds, currently on crowd-funding newest platform, Fig, should reach $100K in funding today, and is now closing in on its funding goal of $125,000.

As it nears its goal, the developer has made an Outer Wilds alpha demo available on the funding site for anyone who wants to give it a try.

Here is the Outer Wilds announcement video:

Outer Wilds won the 2015 Independent Games Festival (IGF) Awards Grand Prize and Excellence in Design. Created by Alex Beachum, the title will be developed by Masi Oka’s (of Heroes’and Hawaii-Five-O fame) Mobius Digital studio. Outer Wilds funding goal of $125,000 will give the team the tools to upgrade the artwork, polish the game systems, and bring much more content to the experience. For more information on Outer Wilds or to contribute, click here.

Related: Fig the New Crowdfunding Platform for Gamers Has Launched

Source: Press Release

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