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PANDORA: Chains of Chaos Heading to Steam Early Access July 30

LIVERPOOL, UK –  Indie developer, Party Llama Games, has announced today that Pandora: Chains of Chaos, their highly-anticipated action adventure game with a mythical twist, will be launching into Steam Early Access on July 30, priced at $4.99 / €4.99 / £4.99. Pandora: Chains of Chaos will also launch on Xbox One and Windows PC later this year.

Pandora: Chains of Chaos is a single-player, action adventure game centered around protagonist Pandora, who has opened a box containing evils that could destroy the world. Battling her own curiosity and guilt, she quickly finds that this is overshadowed by the tangible threats of demons and monsters she must now face. Inspired by the Mediterranean coast of Greece mixed with a fantasy element, Pandora paints her spectacular world with a mixture of vibrant colors, compelling characters, mythical creatures, and beautiful environments.

Players will engage in real-time combat as they battle the mythological beasts emerging from the darkness with powerful umbrella artifacts left behind by the Gods. Each Umbrella has its own unique ability, harnessing the power of each of the 12 Olympians, including Zeus himself. Platform and glide around spellbinding environments to discover new places and secret ruins.

PANDORA: Chains of Chaos Heading to Steam Early Access July 30

For more information on Pandora: Chains of Chaos leading up to launch, please visit:, and follow Party Llama Games on Facebook and Twitter.

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