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Party Hard Tactical Game of Mass Murder Dated for Steam

Party Hard Tactical Game of Mass Murder Dated for Steam

Developer Pinokl Games and publisher tinyBuild Games have announced that Party Hard, the tactical game of mass murder, will release on Steam on August 25th.

Party Hard is an award winning tactical strategy game of mass murder. Your neighbors are having a loud party at 3am. The only logical solution is to come over and stab them, going on a killing spree through the USA.

New features:

  • Gang behavior, people will gang up on you if you’re aggressive in a crowd
  • Firemen will come in case of fire
  • Paramedics will come to collect dead bodies
  • In case of gang violence, explosions, robberies, or other extreme chaos — a SWAT team will come and sort things out
  • Agents will secure the area, soldiers will knock anyone out who is in their way
  • In case of drugs, DEA will come and attempt to arrest everyone in sight
  • There are occasional shady dealers whom you can buy things from
  • Levels are now semi-procedural, they will have random events happen, slightly different layouts
  • AI treats you the same way as other AI characters
  • More interesting AI behaviors – going for a smoke, joining the dance floor in case of gogo dancers, etc.
  • Rare special events
  • Special items, including a bomb

Here is the announcement trailer:

Related: E3 2015 Party Hard Trailer

Source: Press Release

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