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PAX East 2019: Cosmo’s Quickstop Impressions

PAX East 2019: Cosmo’s Quickstop Impressions

Cosmo’s Quickstop is a fast-paced game where the player tries to manage an interstellar gas station. We tried a hands-on demo at PAX East and it actually turned out to be a difficult yet challenging game. Cosmo’s Quickstop is developed by Big Sir Games.

As a space alien, you have to manage all of the refueling and cleaning of the space ships that dock at your station, and fill up the vending machines manually. Sometimes you have to manually clean and avoid hitting meteors head on, plus guide the alien space ships safely into and out of your station. When I personally tried it, I thought to myself how hard could this be, but as more space ships kept docking at the station, the difficulty just went on increasingly. Cosmo’s Quickstop is all about managing and optimizing your skills as a player.


Cosmo’s Quickstop will be out this year for PC via Steam. You can wishlist it right now.

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