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PAX East 2023: Crit-Rate by EON Gaming Impressions

We checked out Crit-Rate, a game review platform that gives a unique twist to rating games and provide personalized recommendation, by EON Gaming.

What we saw was a very interesting way to gamify the reviews itself, not really a critics review here, but most of the reviews were by users themselves. A robust digital recommendation engine powering Crit-Rate aims to provide video game suggestions like trusted friends. A pool of analytical data is first gathered from a detailed personality test about how the user enjoys video games, including challenge preferences, problem solving processes, and even what immerses them.

PAX East 2023: Crit-Rate by EON Gaming Impressions

Based on a initial questionnaire that pertains to user preferences during the sign-up process, the users are sorted into different houses as follows:

  • VANTAGIST: Always three steps ahead, the Vantagist will take an extra look before leaping. Rather than fear difficulty and complexity, this player is driven to overcome them. These gamers are usually lone wolves, but beware if you encounter them in a competitive setting–they’re here to win.
  • CURIONAUT: The Curionaut is here for the thrill of adventure. They love to build, explore, discover, and immerse themselves in the story of a game. To them, it’s all about carving their own path and experiencing everything the game has to offer.
  • ASCENDIARY: No stone left unturned, no achievement unclaimed, the Ascendiary won’t settle for anything less than 100%. Their dedication to specific games is often rewarded with a level of knowledge and skill that few can rival.
  • GALABANDER: The Galabander is the ultimate teammate. They thrive when playing with others and have no problem with pausing a solo journey to embark on a social one. It doesn’t matter whether it’s exploring, taking down a boss, or just hanging out in the lobby together, the Galabander is a game.
  • BRAVADIER: To the Bravadier, challenging others is typically top of mind, especially if there’s a match to be won. Their cunning, competitive spirit is accentuated by their prowess for on–the–fly creative problem–solving.

The founders Justin Chou and Justin Scerbo, while talking to them at PAX we found out that they have included a special page for PAX East 2023, which provides players with a very accurate of pictures of available hands-on demo of available games at the convention, and it was amazing to see how accurate the information was. The founders mentioned they are not here to provide an alternative but to co-exist in the space.

Crit Rate seems like a game changer for users, as it will provide a better picture for users to browse and see the recommendation of some of the unplayed games that they would like to try out. Like me, I was categorized in Curionaut, which matched my gameplay style and it provided me with some amazing recommendations to try out the games at PAX East. 

This can be an interesting platform for both developers and players. For developers, it helps them learn what kind of players play their own games and for players, rather than going all the way to different websites to check out the gameplay and directly get the recommendation of games that players would love to check out.

We are looking forward to how this platform will craft itself on the player traits and provide some great resources in the future.

For more information, please visit Crit-Rate’s official website and join the community on Twitter for the latest updates.

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