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Pikmin Cartoon Shorts to Debut Around Pikmin 3 Launch

Shigeru Miyamoto, Pikmin’s Producer, has revealed that the series will debut short cartoon clips just in time for the launch of Pikmin 3. While it will be a series of short clips at first, it could grown into a full animated series if found popular.

Miyamoto said: “We were working on several Pikmin CG animated videos and wanted more people to be able to see them. I had gone to a movie theatre and saw the videos telling people to turn off their cell phones and thought we could create a Pikmin version of that, but instead decided to do the 3D glasses video.”

He added that Nintendo paired up with Toho Cinemas to release the clips to 60 Japanese cinemas for test-screenings. It’s all part of his plan to lend his colorful creations more life.

Miyamoto continued: “I didn’t want to license our characters out to someone else to create films. Instead, since I used to draw four-panel comics when I was younger, I thought it would be fun to bring a four-panel comic approach to creating video content, so we started work on these Pikmin videos. “We didn’t have a good opportunity to announce that we were doing this, so while we were working on the movies we also created the Pikmin video that opened our E3 presentation last year.”

Are you looking forward to the Pikmin shorts? Let us know what you think by commenting below.

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