Gaming Cypher

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Piracy and Plagiarism Could Dismantle the Videogame Industry as We Know It

Piracy and Plagiarism Could Dismantle the Videogame Industry as We Know It

There is no issue that threatens game development more than videogame piracy and plagiarism, and it needs to stop.

Copycat games crush domestic (and often independent) game makers who sacrifice years, and often their own money, to develop high-quality titles such as Shovel Knight, Pillars of Eternity, Stardew Valley and more.

Examples of copycat games vs. their legitimate titles include:

Illegitimate developers steal source code, reskin games (not very well) and release their own, low-quality versions for profit online and on mobile devices. This unprecedented activity is crippling the videogame industry, costing legitimate developers and publishers more than $74 billion a year (and climbing), and oversaturate the marketplace with second-rate games.

Gamers’ dollars matter, and we ultimately determine what lives and dies in the videogame marketplace. Let us know if you’ve seen pirated games.

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