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PLANET ZOO Beta Gameplay Trailer Released

With the Planet Zoo beta going live on September 24th for all Planet Zoo Deluxe pre-orders, Frontier Developments has opened the gates and set the trailer free to roam the wilds of the internet. The trailer offers a taste of what it’s like to be a zookeeper across Franchise and Career mode, with limitless creativity, animals galore and much more.

On top of today’s trailer and the beta going live on September 24th, there’s also a developer AMA on Reddit featuring game director Piers Jackson, lead programmer Andrew Chappell, art director Marc Cox and lead community manager Bo de Vries on Wed 18. Finally, the developers have details about the beta’s Community Goal, a set challenge for everyone playing to participate in. For full details, go to the Frontier forums for more info.

Planet Zoo is set to release for PC via Steam on November 5, 2019. You can wishlist the game right now.

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