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Pokemon X and Y to Be in Karos Region, 4 New Pokemon Revealed

There has been a leak from the latest issue of CoroCoro Comic, which provides the first details on the game world as well as four new Pokemon.

The four new Pokemon are:

  1. Yancham – A “mischievous” fighting-type Pokemon. Height: 0.6m. Weight: 8.0kg. It has a new technique called “Parting Remark”
  2. Yayakoma – A “Ryukyu Robin” normal/flying-type Pokemon. Height: 0.3m. Weight: 1.7kg. It can use the fire-type technique “Flame Charge”
  3. Elicitel – A “generation” electric/normal-type Pokemon. Height: 0.5m. Weight: 6.0kg. It has a new technique called “Parabola Charge,” which heals its own HP while damaging surrounding enemies
  4. Gogoat – A “ride” grass-type Pokemon. Height: 1.7m. Weight: 91.0kg. It can use the grass-type technique “Horn Leech.” You can ride/mount this Pokemon in the field (e.g. a Pokemon bicycle)

The game is set in the Karos region, with Miare City being its main city.

When the game gets started, players will be able to select between male and female characters as well as have the ability to customized a character’s hair and skin color.

The scans also show the game’s world map, Miare City artwork, new tablet-like Pokedex, and the new region’s Pokemon trainer battles.

Are you looking forward to playing with the four new characters?

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