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Political Strategy Game DEMOCRACY 3: AFRICA New Trailer Released

Political Strategy Game DEMOCRACY 3: AFRICA New Trailer Released

Developer Positech Games has released a new video for political strategy game, Democracy 3: Africa.

Set entirely in countries on the continent of Africa, Democracy 3: Africa puts you in charge of these countries and challenges you to stay in power whilst fixing each country’s problems, improving the quality of life for your electorate, and steering them towards greater prosperity.

This turn-based political strategy game uses a unique icon-driven interface to help you navigate the most complex political and economic simulation ever seen in a computer game, custom-built on its own proprietary neural network. Democracy 3: Africa simulates the myriad interactions between voters, policies, economic and political variables, political parties and the various situations that develop over time.

Here is the new Democracy 3: Africa trailer:

For more information about Democracy 3: Africa visit here.

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