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Project: Eve AAA Console Title Releases New Artwork and 3D Sculptures

Today, the development team at SHIFT UP reveal fresh assets for the upcoming third-person action game Project: Eveincluding character and concept art, screenshots and more. 

Project: Eve AAA Console Title Releases New Artwork and 3D Sculptures

Earlier in November, Project: Eve received a new boss battle gameplay  video (seen above), highlighting the title’s crisp graphics and fast-paced action sequencing. The teaser video depicts main protagonist Eve in combat with unknown invaders, NA-tives, to recapture the lost Earth after its collapse. Today’s reveal furthers the trailer’s breathtaking gameplay, delivering detailed character renderings, high-resolution screenshots and background concept artwork

SHIFT UP today also sheds light on the independent studio’s character creation process by releasing unseen 3D sculpture images of the monster NA-tive seen in the gameplay trailer. 

SHIFTUP utilizes technologies such as a high-density 3D scan and performance capture systems, among other techniques. Creature designers first sculpt characters out of clay by hand before converting them into the game. 

“Our process of 3D scanning ensures that characters in Project: Eve explode with distinct realism,” says Hyung-TAE Kim, SHIFTUP CEO. “We can not wait to share more details about what makes this game especially unique.” 

For more information about Project: Eve, please visit here: 

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