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Project Lead at inXile Entertainment Endorses Disciples of the Storm

Project Lead at inXile Entertainment Endorses Disciples of the Storm

Storm Isle Productions has announced that the Project Lead, Kevin Saunders on the successful Kickstarter Torment: Tides of Numenera, by inXile Entertainment gives a shout out to Disciples of the Storm (DOTS) and their lead programmer, Nathan Fabian:

“…our contract programmers Nathan Fabian has been working on a fascinating project now on Kickstarter, called Disciples of the Storm. This spiritual successor to 1997’s NetStorm is a fast paced RTS set in a fantasy world that has been torn apart by an ancient feud between its deities. Battles happen on the floating, shattered islands of the world, with a unique and expansive bridge-building mechanic between these islands as part of the core design. We hope you check each of these projects out!”

WITH 8 DAYS LEFT Storm Isle Productions is pushing to raise at least $25,000 before other benefactors will step in to help complete the funding.  As they are currently at $14,113 they only in need of $10,000 more from the RTS gaming community to see their unique game come to life.

Here is the Kickstarter video:

You can help support Disciples of the Storm on Kickstarter right now.

Related: Disciples of the Storm Backed by Established Indie Developer Tripwire Interactive

Source: Press Release

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