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Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis Now on Steam Early Access

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis Now on Steam Early Access

Apogee Software and Mad Unicorn Games are proud to announce that PC brawler Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis has officially come to Early Access on Steam, purchasable for $9.99 USD. Radical Heroes is a crazy, chaotic Brawler game that plays homage to several IPs from the 1980’s and 1990’s.

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis brings a fresh take on the “Retro” genre of video games with 2.5D beat ‘em up and brawler action, an awesome story, and insane, chaotic gameplay. Taking inspiration from classic beat ‘em up games, Radical Heroes pushes you along to fight for your life, while making your way through maze-like city levels. Following the premise that all six of the levels are playsets and the (40+) playable characters are action figures, the game follows the story of Diesel, a bald, hulking every-man looking for the reason behind the sudden influx of crime in the city. As you play through the story, you can unlock additional characters (and their collectible weapons), as well as each Boss you defeat.

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis Now on Steam Early Access

In addition to the classic feel, Radical Heroes brings some modern twists to the genre, starting with 4-player online co-op. 4-Player co-op mode allows you and three friends to throw down and take on the evil that lies before you. The entire game is also accessible to be played in Virtual Reality, utilizing your favorite options to throw down in VR.

Indie developer Mad Unicorn Games is comprised of the Doyle Brothers, partnering with Apogee (for Publishing) and Zettabyte MPR (for PR/Marketing). Over the past decade, they created their own Engine, dubbed the “Super D-Tek”, to run the game, as well as any other projects they bring to the table in the future.

“We’re excited to reach out to our fierce, supportive community via Early Access” Moses Doyle, Lead Designer of Mad Unicorn Games explained, “Radical Heroes has had a long journey, but this will help get our vision out to the players!”

Here is the Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis Gameplay Trailer:

Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis is now on Steam Early Access,

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