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Railroad Corporation Releases Volatile Markets DLC Via Steam

New Volatile Markets Challenge for Solo & Co-Op Plus Complete Collection!

Indie publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Corbie Games are excited to release today the next Railroad Corporation Volatile Markets DLC for $4.99 with a limited time 10% launch discount.

Railroad Corporation Releases Volatile Markets DLC Via Steam

A group of investors have funded the launch of various plants and factories in 19th century North America, but they require your railroad corporation to provide the crucial raw materials.

You will be paid for each delivery, however, it is necessary to take into account that it is a free market. Prices for raw materials and finished products can fluctuate, and it may be necessary to act accordingly.

The Volatile Markets challenge can be played in single-player or in cooperative mode – invite a friend to attempt this challenge with you, as it is always better to have a reliable partner in business.

In addition, from today you can purchase the Railroad Corporation Collection on Steam, which offers the base game together all previous paid and free DLCs for 20% cheaper than buying them alone!

Related: Railroad Corporation Releases Civil War DLC on Steam

Railroad Corporation Releases Volatile Markets DLC Via Steam

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